birth partners
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birth partners homebirth midwifery

Caring for New Jersey families during pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond.

Our Philosophy

Birth Partners believes that pregnancy and birth are normal, physiologic processes that your body is perfectly and uniquely designed to accomplish. Our job is to protect that process through the watchful attendance of physical health and safety, holding space for open communication and respecting your autonomy. Birth holds tremendous transformational power. It is an ordinary human experience, possessing the extraordinary qualities of being both physical and spiritual, empowering and humbling, and having the potential to show us who we really are.

our Services

It isn't only about what happens,
it's about how it happens.

schedule a consultation
I can’t express how grateful I am to have found you. Instead of telling me I could do it, you guided me to come to that realization myself. Your open-handed approach helped me feel totally educated and empowered to make decisions for my care. And your love comes through in every precious picture from that day. Nora’s birth was so healing! Thank you!
(2nd baby, 1st homebrith)
Thank you so much for being an amazing, dedicated, and loving midwife and friend to us. We feel so thankful to have met you and worked with you! The care and patience of every meeting and conversation was extraordinary and you truly made us feel held from beginning to end! Thank you endlessly!
Sam and Shmueli
(3rd baby, 3rd homebirth, 2nd with birth partners)
What would I have done with care any less heartfelt than yours?! I am infinitely grateful for ALL the ways you supported me during pregnancy and birth. You will forever be an incredibly special part of our family’s story.
(3rd baby, 3rd homebirth, 2nd baby with birth partners)
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